We have experience to make your project a success. After 20 years, our project list is extensive. Please select an area of interest.

Veteran's Memorial Bridge
US27 over St. Mary's River
INDOT - Fort Wayne District
Fort Wayne, IN
- Signature structure carrying vehicular traffic out of downtown Fort Wayne
- Deck replacement with barrier separated, widened sidewalks
- Numerous architectural features including: artwork commemorating the branches of the armed forces, arches spanning the roadway and sidewalks, and custom LED lighting
- Memorial plaza with custom signage and "The Beacon" centerpiece sculpture

Parker-Cole Crossing
PFW (f/k/a IPFW) Bridge over
Coliseum Blvd
Fort Wayne, IN
- Connects PFW and Ivy Tech campuses, spanning one of Fort Wayne's busiest thoroughfares
- Cable Stay Bridge with single, inclined pylon
- Programmable, color changing LED lighting system illuminates the bridge from end to end, top to bottom
- Unique 97 degree turn in deck between ramp and main span

PFW (f/k/a IPFW) Bridge over
St. Joseph River
Fort Wayne, IN
- Part of River Greenway Trail System
- Cable Stay Bridge with Pylons
- Extensive lighting design

PFW (f/k/a IPFW) Bridge over
Crescent Ave
Fort Wayne, IN
- Landmark bridge for the IPFW Campus
- Connects main campus to residence housing
- Covered cable stay bridge

Hillegas Road over US30/US33
INDOT - Fort Wayne District
- 3 - 72 ft spans using
composite prestressed
concrete bulb-tee beams - Increased underclearance to US30/US33 by 2.5 ft
- Eliminated southern span by utilizing MSE wall
- Traffic was maintained on US30/US33 throughout project

Winters Road Extension
Allen County Highway Department
- Extension of Winters Road on new alignment
- Established a new entrance to General Motors Fort Wayne Assembly Plant

CR 900 N / Lafayette Center Road over Norfolk Southern Railroad
INDOT LPA Project for
Huntington County
- 120' single-span composite prestressed concrete bulb-tee beam superstructure
- Integral end bent substructure with MSE walls
- Rammed aggregate piers below MSE wall envelope
- Design included railroad coordination
- Wick drains utilized in embankments to accommodate geotechnical requirements

Van Buren Street over St. Mary's River
City of Fort Wayne
- Bridge superstructure replacement
- Prestressed concrete bulb tee beams
- USACE Floodwall modified on the northwest bank
- Decorative lighting and railing used to incorporate historical architectural theme

I-69 & Coldwater Road Interchange
INDOT - Fort Wayne District
- Multiple projects at the I-69 & Coldwater Road Interchange in Fort Wayne
- Bridge Replacement, Two Bridge Deck Overlays
- HMA Overlay & Interchange Modification
- Maintenance of Traffic utilizes a combination of lane shifts, closures (with full ramp closure), runarounds, crossovers, and a temporary signal

I-469 Over Lafayette Center Road
INDOT - Fort Wayne District
- Bridge Superstructure Replacement
- Phased Interstate Maintenance of Traffic utilizing crossovers
- Prestressed concrete bulb tee beams
- Clear deck forms
- NExT concrete sensor technology in the deck

I-469 East End Bridge Deck Overlays
INDOT - Fort Wayne District
- Rigid bridge deck overlays and semi-integral end bent conversions on 7 bridges in the Fort Wayne District
- Phased Interstate Maintenance of Traffic utilizing crossovers
- I-469 over Maumee River, I-469 over Norfolk Southern Railroad, I-469 over Dawkins Road, & Stellhorn Road over I-469

I-69 Over Walnut Creek
INDOT - Fort Wayne District
- Superstructure replacement on I-69
- Maintenance of Traffic utilized runaround with the use of a prefabricated temporary steel truss structure in the median
- Temporary causeway installed for placement of scour countermeasures

US 6 Over Turkey Creek
INDOT - Fort Wayne District
- Bridge Deck Overlay on US6 over Turkey Creek
- Temporary signal utilized to maintain traffic during construction
- Temporary causeway installed to place scour countermeasures

CR 500 W over Eel River
Whitley County Bridge No. 95
- Bridge replacement project to allow for easier passage of river debris
- 3-span continuous reinforced concrete slab bridge
- Wide central span necessitated haunched supports
- Road straightened adjacent to the bridge

Harrison Street Bridge
City of Fort Wayne
- Bridge rehabilitation project in conjunction with construction of Fort Wayne's riverfront Promenade Park
- Sidewalks widened, providing an improved pedestrian link between the two sides of the park
- Aggregate selections for the polymeric concrete overlay were made to create three distinct surfaces
- Existing abutments converted to semi-integral, eliminating the expansion joints

South Anthony Blvd.
over Maumee River
Allen County Bridge No. 363
- Superstructure replacement and deck widening to accommodate pedestrians and bicycles
- Decorative lighting and railing used to incorporate historical architectural theme

Grove Street over
Spy Run Creek
Allen County Bridge No. 548
- Bridge rehabilitation
- Existing piles were reused
- New end bents and prestressed bulb-tee superstructure were constructed
- Site constraints, such as existing flag stone wall and adjacent intersection, were integrated into design

Yoder Road over I-69
- Design-build bridge rehabilitation project through INDOT
- Partial replacement of superstructure and substructure with full deck replacement

Johnny Appleseed Memorial Bridge
INDOT LPA Project for
City of Fort Wayne
- Part of the River Greenway Trail System
- Sidewalk widening
- Custom handrail design

US 35 over Long Branch Creek
INDOT - Fort Wayne District
- Small structure replacement
and extension of two-way
left turn lane on heavily
traveled US 35 - Cast-in-place wingwalls minimized structure length and reduced environmental impacts
- Phased construction utilized temporary traffic signals and temporary shoring

Old Lima Road over Willow Creek
Allen County Bridge No. 52
- Bridge replacement project
- 3-span continuous reinforced concrete slab bridge

Huntington County Roads over I-69
INDOT - Fort Wayne District
- CR 200 S, CR 300 E/CR 400 S, CR 900 S, and CR 1000 S over I-69 in Huntington County
- Hydrodemolition and installation of latex modified or microsilica concrete bridge deck overlays
- Drainage improvements adjacent to bridge end bents

Lincoln Way Road over Eel River
Whitley County Bridge No. 18
- Bridge rehabilitation project
- Portions of existing abutment reused and converted to semi-integral
- Deck and superstructure replaced with composite prestressed concrete bulb-tee beams

CR 600 E over
Solon Ditch
Whitley County Bridge No. 68
- Bridge replacement project
- 3-span continuous reinforced concrete slab bridge
- Unique flared slab was detailed to accommodate adjacent intersection

SR 114 over branch of Calf Creek
INDOT - Fort Wayne District
- Small structure replacement project
- Custom designed grated box end sections
- Reduced construction cost and eliminated need for guardrail

Ernst Road Improvements
Allen County Highway Department
- 1500' of full depth pavement reconstruction
- Aluminum box culvert replacement

Fish Hatchery Road over Shriner Lake
Whitley County Bridge No. 109
- Bridge replacement project
- Single-span reinforced concrete slab bridge
- Cast-in-place concrete lake control spillway integrated into wingwall design
- Design of lake level control structure was coordinated with DNR

County Road 59 over Soloman Shank Ditch
Dekalb County Bridge No. 60
- Bridge replacement project
- 3-span continuous reinforced concrete slab bridge
- Reinforced concrete hammerhead piers

Old State Road 327 over Black Creek
Dekalb County Bridge No. 103
- Bridge replacement project
- 3-span continuous reinforced concrete slab bridge

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